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In collaboration with the students of the PACT+ Dance Education at the ROC of Amsterdam, Linde created 'Barbabroken' in 2022. The seven dancers formed a singular shape shifting cel moving through space. In the process of separating to create space for new life, the seven entities find their individuality.
The piece was performed twice at the Podium Mozaïek Theatre, Amsterdam.
Credits 2022 Dancers: Isabelle Bouweir, Ilse Brandhoff, Semme Buurman, Amber Kirpensteijn, Lea Manupasa, Nena Noordijk and Esmé Schavemaker ​ Music: Fantas for Saxophone and Voice - Bendik Giske ​ Light design: Angelique van Beckhoven ​ Film: Enero Moestalam Edit: Linde Wagemakers

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